We typically start users at smaller advance amounts until they build some trust with us. Every time you repay an advance on-time, your advance limit can increase in increments of up to $50 at a time.
At this time, advance limit increases are done automatically and we do not accept requests to increase your advance size.
If your advance limit dropped over $80 and you have repaid your previous application on time and you have not changed bank accounts, please reach out to our customer support team so we can look into this for you.
Best practices to increase your advance limit:
- Maintain a positive bank balance.
- Ensure that your income is deposited into your linked bank account on a regular basis.
- Avoid withdrawing your whole pay period amount on the day that it is deposited.
- Spend less than you make. You can use Bree's Budgeting & Insights feature to help with this.
- Refer a friend! If a friend joins using your unique invite link, is approved for an advance, and repays their advance on time, you are both eligible for a $10 limit increase.
If you need further assistance, you can contact our Customer Support Team at app.trybree.com/support.